Why Choose dSPACE for Developing Aerospace Applications?
For decades, dSPACE has been a trusted partner for the development and testing of safety-critical systems in aeronautics and astronautics. Our customers in the aerospace industry have the highest standards when it comes to verification and validation – no margin for error. In the toughest, most extreme situations of a mission, reliability is essential. With high-performance dSPACE hardware and software solutions plus our excellent engineering know-how, aerospace engineers get the tools they need to rise to the challenges in the design, implementation, and testing of software-controlled aircraft or space systems. Possible use cases include, for example, function development for avionics, testing embedded launcher or satellite components, verification of networked aircraft systems, and testing electromechanical systems.

Which Solutions Does dSPACE Offer for Development and Testing in the Aerospace Industry?
The amount of software installed onboard aircraft and space vehicles is growing constantly, handled by redundant and often distributed systems. In addition, manufacturers and system suppliers must meet a variety of strict regulatory requirements defined by standards such as DO-160, DO-178C, or DO-254 in aviation, or ECSS standards for space applications, for example. Consequently, the complete development process from design and implementation to validation and verification is becoming more and more challenging. This makes an efficient approach to all development tasks essential to stay competitive.
dSPACE offers industry-proven end-to-end solutions based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and software to support these tasks. Our portfolio is based on in-house design and production, allowing us to efficiently manage the entire product lifecycle including obsolescence management. Whether it is function development via rapid control prototyping, code generation, software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing, or system integration on test benches – we've got you covered. Experience a seamless workflow from model definition to real-time testing, using our comprehensive software tool chain. In addition, our excellent engineering capabilities allow us to adapt solutions on demand, integrate additional hardware components or specific software, and deliver custom turnkey systems that meet your project requirements.
dSPACE Solutions for Aerospace Engineering
With dSPACE solutions for aeronautics and astronautics, you can master the challenges in development and testing of your safety-critical systems. Whether you are working on innovative propulsion, highly automated or autonomous flight, software-based system electrification, or mechatronic applications – we are eager to hear about your project and can’t wait to present you our solution offering.

Electric Flight
Recent technological advancements enable novel concepts for emission-free propulsion and more electric aircraft systems. These profound changes not only bring about new fields of application and business opportunities, but also new challenges in the development process. Discover our solutions to make your vision for future air mobility a reality.

Aircraft Systems
Ensuring safe operation of an airplane is the most important objective in the entire aircraft development process. Aircraft systems perform a multitude of safety-critical functions in all conceivable flight situations. Hardware and software products from dSPACE play a key role in helping both airframers and system suppliers meet this goal.

Astronautics has always pushed the limits of technology to overcome unprecedented challenges. Developing launch vehicles and artificial satellites demands the highest standards when it comes to quality. Electric ground support equipment (EGSE) and special check-out equipment (SCOE) from dSPACE have been valuable assets in multiple space projects.

Development support from start to finish
Developing complex E/E systems and software with ever more safety-critical functions, especially in the area of autonomous systems, raises the question of guaranteeing function reliability. That's why dSPACE offers end-to-end expertise in functional safety, test strategy development as well as verification and validation in complex E/E processes - to support you from the earliest project stages to homologation.
dSPACE systems are easy to get up and running – however, if a project is more complex, if individual solutions are needed or if there is high time pressure, you can also trust dSPACE's fast, competent and reliable engineering services.