CalDesk 1.4p1

Problems Fixed by This Patch


CalDesk 1.4p1 is the first patch for CalDesk 1.4. It includes bug fixes of CalDesk 1.4 until August 2007.
It can only be installed on an existing CalDesk 1.4 installation.

Problems Fixed by This Patch

For a list of solved problem please refer to the ReadMe File that you can download below.


In conjunction with AutomationDesk Due to changes of CalDesk MC3 Server interface it is required to update the AutomationDesk installation. Please contact dSPACE support to get the update.


ReadMe (2 kB)
CalDesk1.4p1_Update.exe (5 MB)

When using this patch, it is mandatory to install also a patch for DS1005-12 and MicroAutoBox DS1401-18
regardless of which DS1005 or MicroAutoBox hardware version is actually used.

Date 2007-09-24
Software Type Experiment and Visualization Software, ECU Interface Software
Information Type Patches
Information Category Troubleshooting
dSPACE Release Prior to 2013-A
Keywords CalDesk

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