What Typical Challenges in ECU Software Development Need to be Faced?
Central challenges in the development of embedded production software and systems – comprising especially electronic control units (ECUs) and domain controllers – include the optimization of RAM resources, run time, and integration into the overall system. Furthermore, it must be possible to split the software in such a way that regular software updates are possible. And before the final software release, special validation and often a release process are required. Above all: costly errors need to be avoided, and potential errors need to be detected and fixed as early as possible. Essential for these optimization tasks are suitable development methods as well as highly optimized workflows and tools.
Why Choose the dSPACE Solution for Developing ECU Production Software?
To let you achieve your goals, dSPACE offers you a comprehensive production software development toolchain for architecture, development, and testing, which is suitable for AUTOSAR (Classic, Adaptive) as well as non-AUTOSAR software. The dSPACE solution consists of several powerful components and has been proven in practice. For your software architecture development, you can use our AUTOSAR architecture tool SystemDesk for modeling software components, compositions, and complete systems. With the production code generator TargetLink and the TargetLink Ecosystem, you can build powerful tool chains for highly efficient model-based development. Our smart comparison tools (Model Compare, dSPACE AUTOSAR Compare) support you further in accelerating your project. TargetLink also provides built-in verification and validation support for testing and optimizing your ECU code, so that you can easily perform first tests in model-in-the-loop, software-in-the-loop, and processor-in-the-loop mode at the touch of a button. With the dSPACE solution, you will be able to develop and deploy high-quality, safe production software for ECUs and domain controllers for mobility and other applications in a short time, also for complex scenarios.
Key Benefits
- Software architecture based on Classic and Adaptive AUTOSAR: from an easy start up to large production projects
- High-quality production code generation directly from MathWorks® Simulink®/Stateflow®
- Verify your concepts and code early and avoid expensive ECU software errors
- Quick transfer from the prototyping phase to production software on ECUs and domain controllers
- Tools and code proven in practice – in countless production projects and millions of vehicles

dSPACE Solution at a Glance
With dSPACE tools and services – optionally combined with third-party solutions – you can easily achieve your production software development goals. Have a look at our offering:

Development support from start to finish
Developing complex E/E systems and software with ever more safety-critical functions, especially in the area of autonomous systems, raises the question of guaranteeing function reliability. That's why dSPACE offers end-to-end expertise in functional safety, test strategy development as well as verification and validation in complex E/E processes - to support you from the earliest project stages to homologation.
dSPACE systems are easy to get up and running – however, if a project is more complex, if individual solutions are needed or if there is high time pressure, you can also trust dSPACE's fast, competent and reliable engineering services.