Test benches are the perfect way of creating a reliable and reproducible test environment for testing radar-based functions in the lab. This enables testing of safety-relevant functions like emergency braking or blind spot detection to be done at any time and with various parametrizations. The DARTS (dSPACE Automotive Radar Test Systems) are the heart of the test benches and simulate distance, RCS (Radar Cross Section), and speed of the targets. The test bench simulates the angle by moving radar or DARTS antennas and ensures an anechoic environment by suppressing reflections. All dSPACE radar test benches can be integrated into the dSPACE tool chain with products like SCALEXIO and ASM for open- or closed-loop simulation.

Fully Customized Radar Test Benches
Radar test benches for individual requirements with freely definable anechoic chambers and automation solutions.
- Customized design of the anechoic chamber from Telemeter Electronic
- Motorized or manual motion actuator
- Seamless integration of dSPACE Automotive Radar Test Systems (DARTS), optional connection to the dSPACE SCALEXIO real-time system

Related Product: EOL (End-Of-Line) CATR Production Test System
Precise end-of-line testing of radar sensors with high throughput and flexible test scenarios
- Radar far-field tests in the smallest of spaces
- Interference-free testing of the entire radar sensor due to large quiet zone
- Distances, speeds, and sizes of radar targets can be changed continuously