Integrating automotive sensors and actuators is a key task in rapid prototyping performed for electronic control unit functions. dSPACE’s RapidPro hardware provides unprecedented flexibility in adapting sensor and actuator signals to prototyping platforms (dSPACE MicroAutoBox/AutoBox/MicroLabBox). The RapidPro training gives you a step-by-step introduction to using the RapidPro software and hardware together with a dSPACE prototyping system. You will learn how to configure the RapidPro system with the ConfigurationDesk configuration software and to implement the required I/O with the RapidPro Control Unit Blockset if you work with a RapidPro Control Unit. If you are not familiar with the dSPACE prototyping systems or with the ControlDesk and Real-Time Interface software, it is recommended to request this course in combination with the dSPACE Real-Time Systems course.
Dates | Location and time | |
On request |
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