The dSPACE SCALEXIO customized system is a highly versatile hardware-in-the-loop simulator that offers a comprehensive range of adaption and configuration options to meet customer-specific requirements. It is scalable from small to large systems and can be used flexibly from components testing to simulating complete virtual vehicles.
The SCALEXIO customized system is usually installed in one or more 19” cabinets. Its height can be tailored to your requirements. The system can be used for any application, including complex simulations of a complete virtual vehicle.
Typical fields of application include:
The SCALEXIO customized system utilizes a highly scalable, modular rack concept that is flexible and open enough to meet any of your requirements. The I/O hardware offers extensive I/O features and is largely software-configurable, which facilitates adapting the system to changing project requirements. Adapted to your specific application and requirements, the system is fully commissioned, documented, quality-assured and put into operation directly at the customer’s site. This way, it is ready for operational use right from the time of delivery. Adaptations and extensions are possible whenever required.
LSU (Lambda Sonde Universal, universal lambda probe) is a signal conditioning module that simulates the behavior of linear lambda probes. These probes measure the air-fuel ratio in a car’s exhaust system. The engine ECU reacts by varying the injection time, so the catalytic converter can operate at an optimal performance rate.
The LSU module allows for generating Nernst cell voltage on four independent channels based on pump current and Nernst cell inner resistance. The module functions as a linear probe or as a jump probe. Parameters such as maximum/minimum Nernst cell voltage can be adjusted.
The programmable power supply unit feeds the components to be tested and allows for simulating real voltages such as a vehicle’s battery voltage during start-up. The power supply unit is remotely controlled from within the real-time model.
Various power supplies are available for different applications, for example:
You can use all SCALEXIO boards in the SCALEXIO Customized Systems along with a wide range of dSPACE software to configure settings and implement models, among other things.
To increase your computational power and available I/O interfaces, you can interconnect as many SCALEXIO customized systems as needed. If the project requirements change, you can easily adapt your testing system. Coupling SCALEXIO systems is done via IOCNET.
All software for configuring the system and controlling the simulation or test automation runs on a host PC. The PC is connected via Ethernet with the SCALEXIO system.
For fault simulation, the SCALEXIO rack system provides I/O boards with integrated fault simulation, namely the HighFlex boards (DS2601, DS2621, DS2642, and DS2671) and MultiCompact I/O Units (DS2680 and DS2690).
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