In autonomous vehicles, the electronic control unit (ECU) that interprets the camera’s environment images plays a key role. dSPACE offers a system for testing these camera ECUs, consisting of a dSPACE camera box, a dSPACE SCALEXIO simulator, and dSPACE software.
Simulation Platforms
The dSPACE hardware-in-the-loop test system SCALEXIO is a proven platform that is quickly ready for use. Users also benefit from the advantages of HIL testing, namely the reliable reproducibility of tests, test automation capability, and the resulting time savings in the test process. The dSPACE Automotive Simulation Models (ASM) can also be integrated to simulate the vehicle, other traffic participants, and the environment. The dSPACE Sensor Simulation (AURELION) for Camera lets users visualize the test drives on a high-definition monitor.

Possible Use Case: NCAP Crash Tests
A possible use case for the dSPACE camera box is the implementation of New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) crash tests. Test sequences can be created using the dSPACE test automation software, AutomationDesk. These test sequences can be started automatically to make the test process more efficient. For managing different test variants, dSPACE SYNECT is ideal. Both software products, AutomationDesk and SYNECT, help increase the number of completed test variants and improve the test quality.