Using new hardware with older software

When using newly delivered hardware in combination with an older Release, it might be necessary to update the firmware of the SCALEXIO system.

The typical error messages are

"Cannot update board [...]
"The board is not supported by firmware version [...] and will be ignored!" 

To solve the problem, download and install the latest Firmware Archives and update the SCALEXIO firmware by means of the Firmware Manager.


As of Release 2021-A you can use the newest available firmware.

When working with Releases prior to 2021-A, the SCALEXIO firmware must match the software Release on the PC.

Limited availability of firmware updates for some boards

Generally, we provide firmware patches for older Releases if a board revision is incompatible with the original firmware.

There might be situations, however, where a new board cannot be used with certain older Releases:

Board Type No Patch available for Releases
DS6101 2017-A
DS6301 2017-A

Date 2022-09-22
Information Type Reference Information
Information Category Versions and Compatibility

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