Compatibility with MATLAB® 64-bit Releases

Please note: Since dSPACE Release 2016-A, only 64-bit MATLAB versions are supported. Therefore the table below does not list more recent dSPACE Releases than 2015-B.

The tables below show which dSPACE products can generally be used with 64-bit MATLAB Releases. To find out which MATLAB Releases are supported exactly, refer to the MATLAB Compatibility Tables.

dSPACE Tools

dSPACE Tool dSPACE Release
7.2, 7.3, 7.4
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
ASM - yes yes yes yes yes yes
AutomationDesk (Matlab Access Library) - - - yes 1) yes 1) yes yes
ConfigurationDesk - yes yes yes yes yes yes
ModelDesk - yes yes yes yes yes yes
MotionDesk - yes yes yes yes yes yes
TargetLink yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
VEOS - - yes yes yes yes yes

RTI and RTI Blocksets

RTI and RTI Blocksets dSPACE Release
7.2, 7.3, 7.4
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
RTI - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI-MP - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI CAN Blockset - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI CAN MultiMessage Blockset - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI LIN MultiMessage Blockset - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI FlexRay Configuration Blockset - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI FPGA Blockset (support started for Matlab R2012b) - yes yes yes yes yes yes
RTI RapidPro Control Unit Blockset (RTIRPCU) - - yes yes yes yes yes
RTI Ethernet (UDP) Blockset - - yes yes yes yes yes
RTI XCP on Ethernet Blockset - - yes yes yes yes yes
RTI AUTOSAR Package - - - - disc.5) disc.5) disc.5)
RTI AUTOSAR Blockset - - - - yes yes yes
RTI Bypass Blockset - - yes 7) yes 6) yes yes yes

Platform API packages

Platform API package dSPACE Release
7.2, 7.3, 7.4
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
dSPACE Release
HIL API MAPort implemented in .NET 2) - - - - - - -
XIL API MAPort implemented in .NET - - - - - yes yes
Matlablib2 - - -  yes 3)  yes 3) yes yes
MLIB/ MTRACE - - - disc.4) disc.4) disc.4) disc.4)

1 AutomationDesk MATLAB Access Library supports the remote access to 64-bit MATLAB releases starting with dSPACE Release 2014-A. However the same MATLAB release must also be installed as 32-bit version. If the MATLAB Access Library is not required, AutomationDesk can also be installed and used without MATLAB 64-bit support.
2 HIL API.NET cannot be used in 64-bit MATLAB releases. Because there are no further dependencies to MATLAB, it is possible to use it outside of MATLAB.
3 matlablib2 supports the remote access to 64-bit MATLAB releases. However the same MATLAB release must also be installed as 32-bit version.
4  MLIB/MTRACE last time available in dSPACE Release 2013-B.
5 RTI AUTOSAR Package last time available in dSPACE Release 2014-A.
6 It is necessary to install Service Pack 2 and RTI Bypass 3.2 Patch 2. Patch Setup does not ask for license files. But you will need the proper RTI Bypass license before you can use the blockset. If in any doubt, use Installation Manager to check for the license and add it if missing.
7 Introduced with Release 2013-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 3.

Date 2016-06-09
Software Type Simulation Models, Production Code Generation Software, Implementation Software, Experiment and Visualization Software, Test Automation Software, Simulation Software
Product ASM (Automotive Simulation Models), AutomationDesk, ConfigurationDesk, ModelDesk, MotionDesk, Platform API Package, RCP and HIL Software, RTI (Real-Time Interface), TargetLink, VEOS
Information Type Reference Information
Information Category Versions and Compatibility
dSPACE Release 2015-B, 2015-A, 2014-B, 2014-A, 2013-B, 2013-A, Prior to 2013-A

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