Validating ISO15118 Charging Communication with Hubject Plug&Charge Services
- Automotives
- HIL Testing
- E-Mobility
- Power HIL Testing
In this webinar recording experts from Hubject GmbH and dSPACE GmbH will give an introduction for applying the V2GPKI used for ISO 15118 based charging communication. Furthermore the dSPACE test environment based on the Smart Charging Solution will be used to demonstrate how a test PKI can be generated and be used. In addition, Steffen Rhinow from Hubject will present the Hubject Plug&Charge Ecosystem and the needed V2G-PKI and we will demonstrate how Hubject and dSPACE are cooperating to enable testing with certificates from this real PKI.

Michael Strugholz
Product Manager Real-Time Test & Development Solutions - RTDS

Peter Arend
Software Developer, dSPACE GmbH

Steffen Rhinow
Director Plug&Charge, Hubject GmbH