Updates & Patches Overview

The list below shows all available patches ordered by Release.
To see the patches ordered by product, use this page Patches - dSPACE

Release Type Available Download Date Remarks
2023-B Patch Firmware Archives 23.2.4 2024-04-08 for use with Release 2022-A or newer
  Update Release 2023-B Language Pack Japanese 2024-03-26
  Patch SYNECT 23.2 Patch 2 2024-03-21 Both SYNECT Server P2 and SYNECT 23.2 P2 must be installed.
  Patch SYNECT Server 23.2 Patch 2 2024-03-21 Both SYNECT Server P2 and SYNECT 23.2 P2 must be installed. If WFM is used, then the WFM Solution 2023-B must be updated too.
  Release Service Pack Release 2023-B Service Pack 1 2024-03-11 This Service Pack upgrades the contained products to the following versions: ConfigurationDesk 2023-B (23.2p1), FPGA Programming Blockset 23.2p1
  Patch ECU Interface Manager 23.2 Patch 1 2024-02-12
  Patch TargetLink 23.1 for Ubuntu Linux 2024-02-06
  Patch ASM 23.2 Patch 1 2024-02-05
  Patch Model Compare 23.1 Patch 1 2024-02-05
  Patch TargetLink 23.1 Patch 1 2024-02-05
2023-A Patch SystemDesk 23.1 Patch 1 2024-04-22
  Patch Firmware Archives 23.2.4 2024-04-08 for use with Release 2022-A or newer
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 2023-A Patch 1 2024-03-21
  Patch VEOS 23.1 Patch 2 2024-02-23
  Patch dSPACE VEOS 23.1 Patch 2 for Ubuntu Linux 2024-02-23
  Patch ControlDesk 23.1p2 2024-02-07
  Patch ModelDesk 23.1 Patch 2 2024-01-31
  Patch XIL API .NET 2023-A Patch 1 2023-10-31
  Service Pack Implementation-Software 2023-A Service Pack 1 2023-09-20
  Service Pack Release 2023-A Service Pack 1 2023-09-20
  Service Pack ConfigurationDesk 2023-A Service Pack 1 2023-09-20
  Update Release 2023-A Language Pack Japanese 2023-09-18
  Patch ECU Interface Manager 23.1p1 2023-09-08
  Patch RTLib Common 23.1p1 2023-09-07
  Patch RTLib Common 1.21p2 2023-09-07
  Update Python 3.9.18 Security Update 2023-09-06
2022-B Patch Firmware Archives 23.2.4 2024-04-08 for use with Release 2022-A or newer
  Patch SystemDesk 22.1 Patch 2 2024-04-02
  Patch TargetLink 22.1 Patch 4 for Ubuntu Linux 2024-01-09
  Patch TargetLink 22.1 Patch 4 2024-01-09
  Service Pack Release 2022-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2023-12-04
  Update Python 3.9.18 Security Update 2023-09-06
  Patch ControlDesk 22.2p1 2023-08-16
  Update Release 2022-B Language Pack Japanese 2023-06-30
  Patch ASM 22.2 Patch 1 2023-02-15
  Patch dSPACE AUTOSAR Compare 2022-B Patch 1 2023-01-12
  Update Real-Time Testing Tools 6.0.1 2023-01-09
  Patch RTLib Common 22.2p1 2022-09-07
2022-A Patch XIL API .NET 2022-A Patch 2 2024-04-30
  Update XIL API .NET 2022-A 4.2.6 for Ubuntu Linux 2024-04-22
  Patch Firmware Archives 23.2.4 2024-04-08 for use with Release 2022-A or newer
  Patch Release 2022-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 4 2024-04-08
  Patch MotionDesk 4.10 Patch 3 2024-03-21
  Patch ModelDesk 22.1 Patch 4 2024-02-26
  Patch SCALEXIO RTLib 6.0.2p6 2024-02-26
  Service Pack Release 2022-A Service Pack 1 2023-12-14
  Patch dSPACE VEOS 5.4 Patch 7 for Ubuntu Linux 2023-12-14
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.7 Patch 3 2023-12-14
  Patch TargetLink 5.2 Patch 4 2023-12-14 Exceptionally, this patch is freely available as it is part of Release 2022-A Service Pack 1.
  Patch VEOS 5.4 Patch 7 2023-12-12
  Patch ControlDesk 7.6 Patch 6 2023-12-12
  Patch SYNECT 2.13 Patch 1 2023-12-12 Both SYNECT Server P1 and SYNECT 2.13 P1 must be installed.
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.13 Patch 1 2023-12-12 Both SYNECT Server P1 and SYNECT 2.13 P1 must be installed. If WFM is used, then the WFM Solution 2022-A must be updated too.
  Patch Real-Time Testing 5.2 Patch 1 2023-11-28
  Patch ASM 10.1 Patch 3 2023-11-20
  Patch Sensor Simulation 1.7 Patch 3 2023-11-20
  Update Python 3.9.18 Security Update 2023-09-06
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.9 Patch 3 2023-09-06
  Update Real-Time Testing Tools 6.0.1 2023-01-09
  Update Release 2022-A Language Pack Japanese 2022-09-05
2021-B Patch AutomationDesk 6.6 Patch 3 2024-03-26 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch Firmware Archives 3.4.10 Release 2021-B 2024-03-21
  Patch SystemDesk 5.6 Patch 3 2024-02-27 Patch for SystemDesk 5.6 (dSPACE Release 2021-B) available only with SMS.
  Patch ModelDesk 5.6 Patch 2 2023-12-18 Patch for ModelDesk 5.6 (dSPACE Release 2021-B) available only with SMS.
  Patch TargetLink 5.2 Patch 4 2023-12-14 Exceptionally, this patch is freely available as it is part of Release 2022-A Service Pack 1.
  Service Pack Release 2021-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2023-12-04 Release 2021-B Implementation-Software Service Pack available only with SMS.
  Patch ECU Interface Manager 2.10 p1 2023-11-16 Latest Patch for ECU Interface Manager 2.10 (dSPACE Release 2021-B) available only with SMS.
  Update Python 3.9.18 Security Update 2023-09-06
  Patch ControlDesk 7.5 Patch 3 2023-08-21
  Patch VEOS 5.3 Patch 2 2023-05-02
  Patch dSPACE VEOS 5.3 for Ubuntu Linux 2023-05-02
  Patch ASM 10.0 Patch1 2023-02-24
  Patch SYNECT 2.12 Patch 1 2023-02-16 Both SYNECT Server P1 and SYNECT 2.12 P1 must be installed.
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.12 Patch 1 2023-02-16 Both SYNECT Server P1 and SYNECT 2.12 P1 must be installed. If WFM is used, then the WFM Solutions 2021-B must be updated too.
  Patch SystemDesk 5.6 Patch 2 2022-12-07
  Patch dSPACE AUTOSAR Compare 1.1 Patch 1 2022-11-24
  Patch ModelDesk 5.6 Patch 1 2022-10-31
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.6 Patch 2 2022-10-17
  Patch Release 2021-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 1 2022-08-18
  Update Release 2021-B Language Pack Japanese 2022-04-07
2021-A Patch Firmware Archives 3.3.16 Release 2021-A 2024-03-27
  Update XIL API .NET 2021-A 4.0.4 for Ubuntu Linux 2024-03-21
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.5 Patch 3 2024-03-19 Patch for AutomationDesk 6.5 (dSPACE Release 2021-A) Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.7 Patch555 2024-03-12 Patch for FlexRay Configuration Package 4.7 Patch555 (dSPACE Release 2021-A) available only with SMS.
  Patch ControlDesk 7.4 Patch 5 2023-12-05 Patch for ControlDesk 7.4 (dSPACE Release 2021-A) available only with SMS.
  Patch ControlDesk 7.4 Patch 4 2023-12-04 Patch for ControlDesk 7.4 (dSPACE Release 2021-A)
  Patch ModelDesk 5.5 Patch 2 2023-11-21 Patch for ModelDesk 5.5 (dSPACE Release 2021-A) available only with SMS.
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.7 Patch554 2023-10-09
  Update Python 3.9.18 Security Update 2023-09-06
  Patch ASM 9.7 Patch 2 2023-08-28 Patch ASM 9.7 installation (dSPACE Release 2021-A) available only with SMS.
  Service Pack Release 2021-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 5 2023-06-16
  Patch MotionDesk 4.8 Patch 5 2023-06-13 Patch for MotionDesk 4.8 (dSPACE Release 2021-A)available only with SMS.
  Patch MotionDesk 4.8 Patch 3 2023-05-25
  Patch dSPACE VEOS 5.2 for Ubuntu Linux 2023-05-02
  Patch ConfigurationDesk 6.7 Patch 5 2023-05-02
  Patch VEOS 5.2 Patch 6 2023-05-02
  Patch SCALEXIO RTLib 5.1.2p10 2023-02-20 Only for customers with ECU-Interface Manager who previously installed Release 2021-A Implementation Software Service Pack 4
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.5 Patch 2 2022-10-05
  Patch SensorSim Lidar Module 2021-A Patch 2 2022-08-22
  Patch SensorSim Radar Module 2021A Patch 2 2022-08-22
  Patch Sensor Simulation 1.5 Patch 3 2022-07-28
  Patch ASM 9.7 Patch 1 2022-06-23
  Patch MSI Blockset 1.1 p1 2022-05-19
  Service Pack Release 2021-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 4 2022-05-02
  Patch ModelDesk 5.5 Patch 1 2021-10-29
  Update Real-Time Testing 5.0.2 for Ubuntu Linux 2021-10-28
  Update Release 2021-A Language Pack Japanese 2021-09-02
2020-B Patch Firmware Archives 3.2.9 Release 2020-B 2024-03-27
  Patch ControlDesk 7.3 Patch 3 2024-01-12 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 5.1 Patch 4 2023-01-25 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.4 Patch 1 2023-01-18
  Patch SystemDesk 5.5 Patch 3 2023-01-11
  Patch dSPACE AUTOSAR Compare 1.0 Patch 2 2022-11-24
  Patch TargetLink 5.1 Patch 3 2022-09-30
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.6 p520 2022-01-13
  Patch ControlDesk 7.3 Patch 1 2021-08-17
  Patch ASM 9.6 Patch 1 2021-05-11
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.10 Patch 1 2021-05-10
  Update Release 2020-B Language Pack Japanese 2021-05-10 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2020-B.
  Patch Release 2020-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 1 2020-12-22
2020-A Patch ControlDesk 7.2 Patch 5 2023-06-19 Patch for ControlDesk 7.2 (dSPACE Release 2020-A) available only with SMS.
  Patch Firmware Archives 3.1.15 Release 2020-A 2023-03-02
  Patch ConfigurationDesk 6.5 p2 2023-01-26 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.5 p523 2023-01-25
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.3 Patch 2 2023-01-18
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.3 Patch 3 2022-11-16 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch Release 2020-A RTI FPGA Programming Blockset 3.9.5 2022-09-22
  Patch ControlDesk 7.2 Patch 4 2022-06-20
  Patch ASM 9.5 Patch 4 2022-03-29
  Service Pack Release 2020-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 1 2022-02-22
  Patch MotionDesk 4.6 Patch 2 2021-07-29
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.9 Patch 1 2021-05-11
  Patch Sensor Simulation 1.3 Patch 1 2021-05-11
  Patch ModelDesk 5.3 Patch 2 2021-05-10
  Patch SensorSim Lidar Module 2020-A Patch 1 2021-04-20
  Patch SensorSim Radar Module 2020-A Patch 1 2021-04-20
  Patch SYNECT 2.9 Patch 1 2021-04-15
  Patch VEOS 5.0 Patch 1 2020-12-16
  Update Release 2020-A Language Pack Japanese 2020-09-21 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2020-A.
2019-B Patch ECU Flash Programming Tool 2.6.2 2023-11-14
  Patch Firmware Archives 3.0.17 Release 2019-B 2023-04-27
  Patch TargetLink 5.0 Patch 3 2023-04-25 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 5.0 Patch 2 2023-04-24
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.2 Patch 5 2023-03-15 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.2 Patch 4 2023-01-18
  Patch ControlDesk 7.1 Patch 4 2022-07-21 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Service Pack Release 2019-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2021-11-09
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.8 Patch 2 2021-05-10
  Patch SystemDesk 5.4 Patch 1 2020-06-09
  Patch VEOS 4.5 Patch 1 2020-06-09
  Patch ASM 9.4 Patch 1 2020-05-19
  Update Release 2019-B Language Pack Japanese 2020-03-18 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2019-B.
  Patch SYNECT Client 2.8 Add-On Update 2020-01-20 To avoid loss of data it is strongly recommended to update this Add-On to version 2.8.1.
  Patch Installation Manager 5.4 2019-11-07 Installation Manager 5.4 fixes a bug regarding the dongle migration scenario in Installation Manager 5.3.
2019-A Patch ECU Flash Programming Tool 2.6.2 2023-11-14
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.7.16 Release 2019-A 2023-10-16
  Patch AutomationDesk 6.1 Patch 1 2023-01-18
  Patch Release 2019-A Implementation Software Service Pack 4 2022-02-03 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.4 Patch 3 2021-11-30 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 7.0 Patch 4 2021-11-18 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract are entitled to use this patch.
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.3 Patch 2021-07-20
  Patch ASM 9.3 Patch 5 2021-05-28
  Patch Sensor Simulation 1.1 Patch 10 2021-05-10
  Patch MotionDesk 4.4 Patch 9 and10 2021-04-20
  Patch ModelDesk 5.1 Patch 4 2020-07-22
  Patch ControlDesk 7.0 Patch 3 2020-07-21 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch Release 2019-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 1 2020-06-10
  Patch TargetLink 4.4 Patch 2 2020-06-02
  Patch SensorSim Lidar Module 2019-A Patch 2020-04-02 To use this patch you also need to update MotionDesk and SensorSim.
  Patch Release 2019-A Sensor Simulation Service Pack 1 2020-03-24 The setup file was replaced 2020-03-24 (v2) because of a sporadic problem with the installation of the contained patches. The contained patches have not been modified.
  Patch MonitoringService 1.0 Patch 2 2020-03-20
  Patch V-ESI Patch 4 2020-03-06 To use this patch you also need to update MotionDesk and SensorSim.
  Patch Radar-Solution Patch 4 2020-03-06 To use this patch you also need to update MotionDesk and SensorSim.
  Patch VEOS 4.4 Patch 1 2020-02-07
  Patch SystemDesk 5.3 Patch 1 2020-01-29
  Update Release 2019-A Language Pack Japanese 2019-11-07 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2019-A.
  Patch Installation Manager 5.4 2019-11-07 Installation Manager 5.4 fixes a bug regarding the dongle migration scenario in Installation Manager 5.3.
2018-B Patch AutomationDesk 6.0 Patch 1 2023-01-18
  Patch ControlDesk 6.4 Patch 4 2022-11-10 Patch for ControlDesk 6.4 (dSPACE Release 2018-B) available only with SMS.
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.6.5 Release 2018-B 2022-10-20
  Patch TargetLink 4.4 Patch 3 2021-11-30 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Service Pack Release 2018-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2020-04-08
  Patch ControlDesk 6.4 Patch 2 2020-01-08 Mandatory to fix severe problems.
  Patch SystemDesk 5.2 Patch 1 2019-04-30
  Update Release 2018-B Language Pack Japanese 2019-04-16 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2018-B.
  Patch ModelDesk 5.0 Patch 2 2019-04-09
  Patch MotionDesk 4.3 Patch 2 2019-03-19
  Patch Sensor Simulation 1.0 Patch 1 2019-01-10
2018-A Patch AutomationDesk 5.6 Patch 4 2023-01-18
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.5.14 Release 2018-A 2022-10-20
  Patch ControlDesk 6.3 Patch 5 2022-01-11 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.3 Patch 8 2021-10-04 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 4.1p560 2021-06-01
  Patch ASM 9.1 Patch 4 2021-05-03 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch VEOS 4.2 Patch 3 2020-04-16
  Patch SystemDesk 5.1 Patch 4 2020-03-13
  Patch ASM 9.1 Patch 3 2020-02-25
  Patch ControlDesk 6.3 Patch 3 2019-06-13 Mandatory to fix severe problems.
  Patch MotionDesk 4.2 Patch 9 2019-05-21
  Patch ModelDesk 4.7 Patch 3 2019-04-12
  Patch XIL API .NET 2018-A Patch 1 2019-02-27
  Release Service Pack dSPACE Release 2018-A Service Pack 2 2019-02-06 Patches for several products supporting the SCALEXIO DS633x Ethernet Boards and extending AUTOSAR 4.3 related features.
  Service Pack Release 2018-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2019-01-15
  Update Release 2018-A Language Pack Japanese 2018-08-16 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2018-A.
  Release Service Pack dSPACE Release 2018-A AUTOSAR 4.3 Bus Feature Package 2018-07-31 Patches for several products extending AUTOSAR 4.3 related features
  Patch SYNECT 2.5 Patch 1 2018-06-22
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.5 Patch 1 2018-06-22
2017-B Patch AutomationDesk 5.5 Patch 1 2023-01-18
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.4.6 Release 2017-B 2022-11-16
  Patch TargetLink 4.3 Patch 8 2021-10-04 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.5 Patch 3 2021-07-22 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 6.2 Patch 3 2021-05-25 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 6.2 Patch 2 2021-05-25 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.3p5 2019-09-30
  Patch ASM 9.0 Patch 2 2019-01-31 -
  Patch VEOS 4.1 Patch 1 2018-08-30
  Patch MotionDesk 4.1 Patch 3 2018-07-16
  Service Pack Release 2017-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2018-07-11 ECU Interface Manager 2.2p2
  Patch SystemDesk 5.0 Patch 1 2018-06-14
  Update Release 2017-B Language Pack Japanese 2018-04-16 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2017-B.
  Patch Real-Time Testing 3.3 Patch 1 2018-03-19
  Patch VariableEditor 2.4 Patch 1 2018-02-06
2017-A Patch AutomationDesk 5.4 Patch 2 2023-01-18
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.3.8 Release 2017-A 2022-05-09
  Patch VEOS 4.0 Patch 4 2021-10-26 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch MotionDesk 4.0 Patch 5 2020-11-20 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.4 Patch 4 2020-10-22 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 6.1 Patch 7 2020-08-18 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.2p5 2019-09-04 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 6.1 Patch 5 2019-06-19 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch XIL API .NET 2017-A Patch 1 2018-10-26
  Patch MotionDesk 4.0 Patch 4 2018-08-20
  Patch VEOS 4.0 Patch 2 2018-08-01
  Patch TargetLink 4.2p3 2018-06-18
  Patch SystemDesk 4.8 Patch 2 2018-05-17
  Patch ASM 8.4 Patch 3 2018-05-17
  Update Release 2017-A Language Pack Japanese 2017-09-11 This patch installs Japanese user documentation for Release 2017-A.
2016-B Patch AutomationDesk 5.3 Patch 3 2023-01-18
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.2.5 Release 2016-B 2022-12-07
  Service Pack Release 2016-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2022-11-30 Release 2016-B Implementation-Software Service Pack
  Service Pack Release 2016-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2021-08-20
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.3 Patch 4 2021-04-16 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 6.0 Patch 5 2020-02-14 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.2p5 2019-09-04 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Update Release 2016-B Language Pack Japanese 2018-11-29 This patch installs Japanese user documentation for Release 2016-B.
  Patch XIL API .NET 2016-B Patch 3 2018-10-26
  Patch TargetLink 4.2p3 2018-06-18
  Patch VEOS 3.7 Patch 2 2018-06-01
  Patch SystemDesk 4.7 Patch 2 2018-02-01
  Patch ControlDesk 6.0 Patch 3 2018-01-18 Support for Windows 10
  Patch MotionDesk 3.9 Patch 2 2017-08-01
  Patch Real-Time Testing 3.1 Patch 1 2017-05-08
  Patch ASM 8.3 Patch 1 2017-03-20
  Patch SYNECT Server 2.2 Patch 2 2017-03-10
2016-A Patch AutomationDesk 5.2 Patch 5 2019-10-02 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.1p8 2019-08-06 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.6 Patch 5 2019-07-17 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch XIL API .NET 2016-A Patch 4 2018-10-02 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.2 Patch 4 2018-04-16
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.1.9 Release 2016-A 2018-04-11
  Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Service Pack Release 2016-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 2017-12-28 Release 2016-A Implementation-Software Service Pack
  Patch TargetLink 4.1p5 2017-10-06
  Patch Real-Time Testing Observer Library 1.0 Patch 2 2017-09-29
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.6 Patch 3 2017-09-29 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch Real-Time Testing 3.0 Patch 1 2017-05-30
  Patch MotionDesk 3.8 Patch 1 2017-05-22
  Patch ASM 8.2 Patch 2 2017-04-19
  Patch SystemDesk 4.6 Patch 2 2017-04-12
  Patch XIL API .NET 2016-A Patch 2 2017-03-02 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch VEOS 3.6 Patch 1 2016-11-22
  Update Release 2016-A Language Pack Japanese 2016-08-29 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2016-A.
  Patch ModelDesk 4.3 Patch 1 2016-07-29
2015-B Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.5 Patch 5 2019-10-02 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.1p8 2019-08-06 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Patch ModelDesk 4.2 Patch 2 2017-11-21
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.1 Patch 4 2017-11-03
  Patch TargetLink 4.1p5 2017-10-06
  Service Pack Release 2015-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 4 2017-07-25 This Service Pack fixes a critical bug in dSPACE Release 2015-B.
  Patch Firmware Archives 2.0.5 Release 2015-B 2017-07-25
  Patch MotionDesk 3.7 Patch 3 2017-03-16
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.5 Patch 3 2017-02-14
  Patch XIL API .NET 2015-B Patch 1 2016-12-06 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch Python Extensions 2.0 Patch 2 2016-11-09
  Patch SystemDesk 4.5 Patch 2 2016-06-07
  Patch VEOS 3.5 Patch 2 2016-05-25
  Release Service Pack dSPACE Release 2015-B Service Pack 1 2016-04-28 This Service Pack fixes a critical bug in dSPACE Release 2015-B.
  Update Release 2015-B Language Pack Japanese 2016-02-12 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2015-B.
  Patch ASM 8.1 Patch 1 2015-12-22
2015-A Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.4 Patch 4 2018-04-20
  Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Patch TargetLink 4.0p4 2017-09-05 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 5.0 Patch 4 2017-04-07
  Patch XIL API .NET 2015-A Patch 2 2016-12-13 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch MotionDesk 3.6 Patch 4 2016-11-04
  Patch ASM 8.0 Patch 4 2016-10-25
  Patch TargetLink 4.0p3 2016-08-02
  Service Pack Release 2015-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2016-07-29
  Patch SystemDesk 4.4 Patch 2 2016-07-01
  Patch VEOS 3.4 Patch 4 2016-07-01
  Patch ModelDesk 4.1 Patch 2 2015-12-09
  Update Release 2015-A Language Pack Japanese 2015-07-27 This patch installs the available Japanese user documentation for Release 2015-A.
2014-B Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.1 Patch 3 2017-11-03 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.0p4 2017-09-05 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch XIL API .NET 2.0 for Release 2014-B Patch 2 2016-12-23 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.0p3 2016-08-02
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.3 Patch 3 2016-06-03
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.1 Patch 2 2016-03-24
  Service Pack Release 2014-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2015-08-27 When using the DS1007 processor board, or the DS4342 CAN-FD module, Firmware Archives 1.3.1, or newer, must be also be installed and the firmware must be updated on the hardware.
  Patch SystemDesk 4.3 Patch 2 2015-06-22
  Patch VEOS 3.3 Patch 2 2015-06-22
  Patch ASM 7.0 Patch 2 2015-06-22
  Patch Python 2.7 from Release 2015-A 2015-05-21
  Patch XIL API .NET 2.0 for Release 2014-B Patch 1 2015-05-20
  Patch MotionDesk 3.5 Patch 2 2015-03-23
  Patch ModelDesk 4.0 Patch 1 2015-02-10
2014-A Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Patch TargetLink 3.5 Patch 5 2018-02-22 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.1 Patch 3 2017-11-03 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.2 Patch 3 2016-11-16 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.1 Patch 2 2016-03-24
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.2 Patch 2 2015-10-26 This patch is mandatory when using toolautomation.
  Patch VEOS 3.2 Patch 4 2015-03-18 Introduces official support for MATLAB R2014a.
  Patch SystemDesk 4.2 Patch 3 2015-03-06
  Patch TargetLink 3.5p3 2015-03-02
  Patch RTI Bypass 3.2 Patch 2 2015-01-07
  Patch MotionDesk TrafficSigns 3.4 Patch 2 2014-12-15 This patch is mandatory for using the MotionDesk Advanced Library International Traffic Signs.
  Service Pack Release 2014-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 2 2014-12-15 Introduces official support for MATLAB R2014a.
  Patch MotionDesk 3.4 Patch 1 2014-12-04
  Patch ASM 6.0 Patch 1 2014-09-26
2013-B Patch Compatibility ServicePack for Installation Manager x64 2018-03-09 Required for Release 2013-B to Release 2016-A when used with dSPACE Installation Manager 5.0 (Release 2017-B) or higher.
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.0 Patch 4 2017-05-08 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.1 Patch 3 2015-10-23
  Service Pack Release 2013-B Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2015-08-18
  Patch TargetLink 3.5p3 2015-03-02
  Patch ASM 5.1 Patch 2 2014-12-04
  Patch MotionDesk 3.3 Patch 2 2014-12-04
  Patch SystemDesk 4.1 Patch 2 2014-09-16
  Patch AutomationDesk 4.0 Patch 1 2014-03-25
2013-A Patch TargetLink 3.4p9 2016-06-10 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.0 Patch 4 2016-04-29 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 5.0 Patch 3 2015-05-11
  Patch TargetLink 3.4p7 2014-12-10
  Patch MotionDesk 3.2 Patch 5 2014-12-04
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7.5 Patch 2 2014-12-04
  Service Pack Release 2013-A Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2014-07-23
  Patch ASM 5.0 Patch 3 2014-05-28
  Patch AutomationDesk 3.6 Patch 8 2014-05-19
  Patch SystemDesk 4.0 Patch 4 2013-12-10
  Patch VEOS 3.0 Patch 5 2013-11-08
  Patch Real-Time Testing 2.1 Patch 1 2013-07-11
7.4 Patch TargetLink 3.4p9 2016-06-10 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 3.4p7 2014-12-10
  Patch MotionDesk 3.1 Patch 2 2014-12-04
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 4.3 Patch 5 2014-12-01 Due to a severe problem, it is absolutely recommended to install this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7.4 Patch 3 2014-09-05
  Patch AutomationDesk 3.6 Patch 8 2014-05-19
  Service Pack Release 7.4 Implementation-Software Service Pack 3 2013-12-13 Fixes a serious problem with ConfigurationDesk for SCALEXIO
  Patch SystemDesk 4.0 Patch 4 2013-12-10
  Patch SystemDesk 3.2 Patch 5 2013-11-08
  Patch VEOS 3.0 Patch 5 2013-11-08
  Patch Real-Time Testing 2.0 Patch 2 2013-07-11
  Patch ASM 4.1p5 2013-07-05
  Patch ModelDesk 2.6p4 2013-05-16
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.9.1 Patch 1 2013-02-08
  Update Virtual Validation Add-On for dSPACE Release 7.4 2013-02-07 Makes VEOS available as simulation platform in Release 7.4
7.3 Patch TargetLink 3.3p8 2015-07-21 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7.3 Patch 3 2014-12-04
  Patch TargetLink 3.3p7 2014-03-11
  Patch Real-Time Testing 1.9 Patch 2 2013-07-11
  Patch ASM 4.0 Patch 6 2013-07-05
  Patch MotionDesk 3.0 Patch 4 2013-06-24 Mandatory for using MotionDesk 3.0.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 4.2.1 Patch 4 2013-05-07
  Patch ModelDesk 2.5 Patch 3 2013-04-17
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.9 Patch 2 2013-02-08
  Patch Offline Simulator 2.2 Patch 4 2013-01-31 for Releases 7.2 and 7.3
  Patch SystemDesk 3.1 Patch 7 2013-01-25
  Patch ConfigurationDesk Configuration 4.2 Patch 1 2013-01-07 For RapidPro
  Patch SCALEXIO RTLib 2.0 Patch 2012-11-13 It is strongly recommended to install this patch when working with SCALEXIO.
  Patch DsFixR2010bSP2 2012-10-02 This tool ensures that MATLAB R2010bSP2 (Service Pack 2) can be used with dSPACE software from Release 7.2 and Release 7.3.
7.2 Patch TargetLink 3.3p8 2015-07-21 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch Python 2.5.1 for Releases 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 2014-12-04
  Patch TargetLink 3.3p7 2014-03-11
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7.2 Patch 4 2013-11-01
  Patch Real-Time Testing 1.8.1 Patch 2 2013-07-11
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 4.2 Patch 4 2013-06-13
  Patch Offline Simulator 2.2 Patch 4 2013-01-31 for Releases 7.2 and 7.3
  Patch SystemDesk 3.1 Patch 7 2013-01-25
  Patch SCALEXIO RTLib 1.6 Patch 2012-11-13 It is strongly recommended to install this patch when working with SCALEXIO.
  Patch DsFixR2010bSP2 2012-10-02 This tool ensures that MATLAB R2010bSP2 (Service Pack 2) can be used with dSPACE software from Release 7.2 and Release 7.3.
  Service Pack Release 7.2 Implementation-Software Service Pack 1 2012-09-21
  Patch ASM 3.1p3 2012-08-20
  Patch MotionDesk 2.2.1 Patch 2 2012-07-02
  Patch RTI Bypass Blockset 2.8p1 2012-04-24
  Patch ECU Interface Manager 1.0p1 2012-04-23
  Patch RTIFPGA 2.2 Patch 1 2012-03-02 Support for DS5203M1 Multi-I/O Module
Support for DS5203 PCB Revision-04 or higher
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler Patch 3.7.3 2012-02-16
7.1 Patch Python 2.5.1 for Releases 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 2014-12-04
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.7.3 Patch 1 2014-08-05
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7.1 Patch 4 2014-01-09
  Patch Real-Time Testing 1.8 Patch 2 2013-11-22
  Patch RTLib Patch 3 for Release 7.1 2013-03-08 It is strongly recommended to install this patch instead of RTLib Patch 1 to avoid problems with RTICANMM.
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 4.1 Patch 3 2012-05-22
  Patch TargetLink 3.2p5 2012-05-17
  Patch MotionDesk 2.2 Patch 2 2012-04-02
  Patch ConfigurationDesk Implementation 4.0 Patch 1 2012-02-08 for SCALEXIO systems
  Patch SystemDesk 3.0 Patch 7 2012-01-20
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler Patch 3.7.3 2012-01-11
  Update dSPACE - RTIFPGA 2.1 Patch 1 2011-10-13 Support for DS5203M1 Multi-I/O Module
Support for DS5203 PCB Revision-04 or higher
7.0 Patch TargetLink 4.2p5 2019-09-04 Only customers with a valid Software Maintenance Service (SMS) contract have the right to receive this patch.
  Patch TargetLink 4.2p3 2018-06-18
  Patch Python 2.5.1 for Releases 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 2014-12-04
  Patch Real-Time Testing 1.7.1 Patch 2 2014-06-26
  Patch RTLib Patch 5 for Release 7.0 2013-07-31 It is strongly recommended to install this patch instead of RTLib Patch 3 to avoid problems with RTICANMM.
  Patch ControlDesk 3.7 Patch 2 2012-06-27
  Patch TargetLink 3.1p10 2012-05-22
  Patch TargetLink 3.2p5 2012-05-17
  Patch SystemDesk 3.0 Patch 7 2012-01-20
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler Patch 3.7.3 2012-01-11
  Patch ConfigurationDesk 3.0.4 Patch 1 2011-08-12
  Patch ControlDesk Next Generation 4.0 Patch 2 2011-06-30
6.6 Patch RTLib Patch 2 for Release 6.6 2013-07-31
  • Comprises also CAN bus firmware
  • Must be installed before the MicroAutoBox II Patch.
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.5.11 2013-07-31
  Patch ControlDesk 3.6 Patch 3 2012-06-27
  Patch TargetLink 3.1p10 2012-05-22
  Solution SystemDeskMigration 2.1 to 3.0 2011-02-25
  Patch SystemDesk 2.1 Patch 2011-02-25
  Patch RTI Ethernet (UDP) Blockset Patch for MicroAutobox II 2011-01-19
  • For MicroAutoBox II
  • Must be installed after the RTLib Patch for Release 6.6.
  Patch RTI-MP 6.1 Patch 2010-12-29
  Update TargetLink 3.1 Documentation Updates 2009-07-11
6.5 Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.5.11 2013-07-31
  Patch Device Driver for MicroAutoBox with 32-bit Serial Number 2011-04-12 Device Driver 3.20 for Releases 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
  Patch SystemDesk 2.1 Patch 2011-02-25
  Solution SystemDeskMigration 2.1 to 3.0 2011-02-25
  Patch ControlDesk 3.5 Patch 2011-02-22
  Patch ControlDesk 3.5.2 Patch 2011-02-22 DS1006 Multi Core
  Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Release Service Pack DS1006MC Service Pack 2010-05-31
  • DS1006 Multi Core
  • Replaces Service Pack 1.0.1
  Patch Python 2.5.1 2010-02-15
  Plug-in SC-EGOS 2/1 LSU ADV 2010-01-29 Plug-in for RapidPro SC-EGOS 2/1 module supporting Bosch LSU ADV lambda probes.
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.6 Patch 2009-12-22
6.4 Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.5.11 2013-07-31
  Patch Device Driver for MicroAutoBox with 32-bit Serial Number 2011-04-12 Device Driver 3.20 for Releases 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
  Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Patch ControlDesk 3.4 Patch 2010-05-10
  Plug-in SC-EGOS 2/1 LSU ADV 2010-01-29 Plug-in for RapidPro SC-EGOS 2/1 module supporting Bosch LSU ADV lambda probes.
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.6 Patch 2009-12-22
  Patch SystemDesk 2.0 Patch 2009-11-12
  Patch FlexRay Configuration Package 2.1.1 2009-11-09
  Plug-in PS-HCHBD 2/2 & PS-HCFBD 1/2 2009-10-19 RapidPro
6.3 Patch Device Driver for MicroAutoBox with 32-bit Serial Number 2011-04-12 Device Driver 3.20 for Releases 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
  Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.3T 2010-06-25 All processor boards with PowerPC processor
  Patch ControlDesk 3.3 Patch 2010-05-10
  Patch SystemDesk 2.0 Patch 2009-11-12
  Plug-in PS-HCHBD 2/2 & PS-HCFBD 1/2 2009-10-19 RapidPro
  Plug-in SC-DO 8/2 2009-01-29 Software support for the dSPACE RapidPro DS1647: Plug-in for Releases 5.4 to 6.3
  Patch ConfigurationDesk 3.0 PS-DINJ 2/1 Hotfix 2008-11-28 RapidPro
6.2 Patch Device Driver for MicroAutoBox with 32-bit Serial Number 2011-04-12 Device Driver 3.20 for Releases 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5
  Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.3T 2010-06-25 All processor boards with PowerPC processor
  Patch ControlDesk 3.2.2 Patch 2010-05-10
  Plug-in SC-DO 8/2 2009-01-29 Software support for the dSPACE RapidPro DS1647: Plug-in for Releases 5.4 to 6.3
  Patch RTI Bypass 2.4.1 Patch 2008-11-28
  Patch SystemDesk 1.1 Patch 2008-08-26
6.1 Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.3T 2010-06-25 All processor boards with PowerPC processor
  Patch ControlDesk 3.2.1 Patch 2009-06-12
  Plug-in SC-DO 8/2 2009-01-29 Software support for the dSPACE RapidPro DS1647: Plug-in for Releases 5.4 to 6.3
  Patch Release 6.1 Patch 2008-09-10 RCP & HIL Software
  Plug-in SC-UHEGO 2/1 2008-08-27
6.0 Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Patch Microtec PowerPC C/C++ Compiler 3.3T 2010-06-25 All processor boards with PowerPC processor
  Patch ControlDesk 3.2 Patch 2009-06-12
  Plug-in SC-DO 8/2 2009-01-29 Software support for the dSPACE RapidPro DS1647: Plug-in for Releases 5.4 to 6.3
  Patch Release 6.0 Patch 2008-09-10 RCP & HIL Software
  Plug-in SC-UHEGO 2/1 2008-08-27
5.4 Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Plug-in SC-DO 8/2 2009-01-29 Software support for the dSPACE RapidPro DS1647: Plug-in for Releases 5.4 to 6.3
  Patch Release 5.4 Patch 2008-09-10 RCP & HIL Software
  Plug-in SC-UHEGO 2/1 2008-08-27
  Plug-in PS-DINJ 2/1 AddOn 2007-08-14 RapidPro
5.3 Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch ControlDesk 3.1 Patch 2008-05-02
  Patch ModelDesk 1.1 Patch 2007-11-12
  Patch PS-DINJ 2/1 Patch 2007-08-14 RapidPro
  Solution AutomationDesk - Dynamic Links 2007-05-29
5.2 Patch CAN Bus Firmware Patch 2010-11-03
  Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch ControlDesk 3.0 Patch 2008-05-02 Must be installed after Release 5.2p1.
  Patch PS-DINJ 2/1 Patch 2007-08-14 RapidPro
  Patch Release 5.2 Patch 2007-06-05 Strictly recommended for all DS1005 / DS1401 versions
  Patch ASM Engine Gasoline Basic 1.2 Patch 2007-05-30 Must be installed after Release 5.2p1.
  Solution AutomationDesk - Dynamic Links 2007-05-29
  Product Release FlexRay Configuration Package 1.5.4 2007-05-23
5.1 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch DS1005 DS1401 FLASH Memory 2007-12-07 Implementation software patch for DS1005-12 and MicroAutoBox DS1401-18
  Patch ControlDesk 2.8 Patch 2007-06-13 Strictly recommended for all DS1005 / DS1401 versions
  Patch MTest 1.4 Patch 2006-10-31
  Patch ControlDesk Failure Simulation 1.3 Patch 2006-10-23
  Patch AutomationDesk 1.3 Patch 2006-09-13 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
  Patch RTICAN & RTICANMM Patch 2006-08-21 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
  Plug-in SC-KNOCK 4/1 2006-07-25 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
5.0 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch DS1005 DS1401 FLASH Memory 2007-12-07 Implementation software patch for DS1005-12 and MicroAutoBox DS1401-18
  Patch ControlDesk 2.7.1 Patch 2007-03-19 Patch for ControlDesk 2.7 from Release 5.0
  Patch RTICAN & RTICANMM Patch 2006-08-21 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
  Patch ConfigurationDesk 1.1p1 2006-03-10
  Patch RapidPro Documentation Update 2005-12-30
4.2 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch DS1005 DS1401 FLASH Memory 2007-12-07 Implementation software patch for DS1005-12 and MicroAutoBox DS1401-18
  Patch ControlDesk 2.6 Patch 2007-03-19 Latest Patch for ControlDesk 2.6 (Release 4.2)
  Patch ConfigurationDesk & RapidPro 1.0p2 2005-11-25 Updates Patches Solutions for Control ConfigurationsDesk
  Product Release MTest 1.3 / AutomationDesk 1.2.1 2005-09-23 MTest 1.3 / AutomationDesk 1.2.1 Product Release for dSPACE Release 4.2
4.1 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch ControlDesk 2.5 Patch 2006-09-19 Latest Patch for ControlDesk 2.5 (Release 4.1)
  Patch AutomationDesk 1.1p2 2005-02-01
  Product Release MTest 1.2 2004-12-01 This page gives access to the download of the MTest 1.2 Product Release for dSPACE Release 4.1.
  Update MATLAB R14SP1 Compatibility Update 2004-11-01 This compatibilty update makes it possible to use dSPACE Release 4.1 in conjunction with products from MathWorks Release 14SP1.
  Update MATLAB R13SP2 Compatibility Update 2004-11-01 This compatibilty update makes it possible to use dSPACE Release 4.1 in conjunction with products from MathWorks Release 13SP2.
  Update MATLAB R14 Compatibility Update 2004-09-01 About this MATLAB Compatibility Update.
4.0.1 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
4.0 Update Windows XP SP 3 Hotfix for ControlDesk 2008-05-29
  Patch AutomationDesk 1.1p2 2005-02-01
  Product Release AutomationDesk 1.1 2004-03-30 This page gives access to the download of the AutomationDesk 1.1 & MTest 1.0.1 Product Release for dSPACE Release 4.0 / 4.0.1.
  Patch Maintenance Release 4.0.1 2003-12-05 About dSPACE Release 4.0.1
3.4 Patch Maintenance Release 3.4.1 2003-08-01 dSPACE Release 3.4.1 is a Maintenance Release for dSPACE Release 3.4
  Update MATLAB R13 Compatibility Update 2002-10-15 Version Compatibilty Solutions for Control MATLAB R13
3.2 Patch Release 3.2 2001-12-17 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
3.1 Patch Release 3.1 2001-12-17 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
3.0 Patch CD 3.0 2001-04-17 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
2.3.1 Patch CD 2.3.1 2000-10-31 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
2.2 Patch CD 2.2 2000-04-06 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
2.1 Patch CD 2.1 1999-08-31 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
2.0 Patch CD 2.0 1999-06-01 Updates Patches Solutions for Control
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